Monday, May 2, 2011

Secret #4

So I have definitely been neglecting this blog. And most things that involve the internet and computers...and well screens of all types to be completely honest. I realized after taking my kids to their well child check ups that our "screen" time was getting a little out of hand. And by out of hand I mean 10-12 hours too many. A confession I am absolutely mortified to confess. However, I decided it was time to dust off the games, coloring books, playdough, stickers, and all other means of entertainment that didn't contain a screen and revamp our lives. The first few days were extremely long and exhausting as I was catapulted into a new realm of motherhood. Okay so I am sort of exaggerating. We do those things a lot but this winter we have spent quite a bit of time being sick and the fact that the freezing cold weather was and is continuing to rain on our parade clear into the month of May we have been getting a little lazy with our play methods and as a result the tv has been getting a lot of usage. But not so anymore.

In fact the last few weeks we have hardly turned it on. And never for more than an hour all day long. Its AMAZING the difference in everyone's attitude. Especially mine. Just not having the excess noise has done wonders for my sanity. Also I have so thoroughly enjoyed emerging myself in play with my kids. Yes the laundry and the dishes are piled a bit higher than they normally are and the grime that so quickly collects on every surface seems to be getting a bit grimeier. But it doesn't matter because we are having fun and everyone is so happy. We wrestle, and read, and create, and explore, and sing at the top of our lungs, and play hard all day long and at the end of the day I look around at the mess and think "a job well done".

So refreshing to not be so bogged down with the monotoney that can so often creep into motherhood. To let things go just for awhile and remind myself that nothing is more exciting that watching your kids grow up. See things for the very first time. And watch as they express their little personalities in so many different ways. Of course I still have my time.  My precious running time where no one can find me and I am free to gather my thoughts and rejuevenate. But when I come home its no longer about me and the more I remind myself of that the more I enjoy every moment. Even the ones where everyone is screaming at me. And trust me we have a LOT of those moments.

So goodbye to the TV. We will be keeping the thumb sucking around though and Ryder's juice is a must. But you can't do everything right as a parent ALL the time. Honestly. Baby steps right?

What are some habits good or bad you have in your family?