Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Question #1

My husband and I have been married for 3 wonderful years and we've always had a great relationship!
Now that we are new parents to a two month old we are having a hard time juggling the demands of new parenthood and our relationship as husband and wife. I am constantly exhausted, and because he works 10 hours a day he's not the energizer bunny either.
I want to know how you other parents out there keep your relationship alive! And I'm not just referring to in the bedroom. But what are some ways you are able to make parenting mix with being a good wife and friend to your husband? How are you able to find the time and energy to still have fun and romantic times with your spouse?



  1. I think this is one of the very hardest things to do. It's so easy to put everything we have into parenting. That said, I'm seeing couples split after 30 years of marraige. Obviously there's a price to be paid if we don't put some time and effort into our marraiges. I have been for 14 years and have 5 kids. We still have to try really hard to find the right balance, but we keep trying. The fact that you're asking about this says that it's important to you, which is so great. Definitely make it a priorty to have date nights. While your baby is little and so portable take him/her with, but get out together. When he/she's old enough to leave with a sitter, do it. Whenever we had to pay a babysitter we would try and have a datenight without spending any additional money. Go play tennis, a free concert, etc.

  2. This is a hard issue. I definitely have struggled with this and am no expert. First of all, it will get a ton better once your baby gets older and gets a good sleep schedule. Once that happens you'll have your nights again from 7 or 8 on and you should totally take advantage of that time. Use that time to really converse or play a game or do an activity together. Also like Andrea said, make date nights a priority, they are so huge to keeping your relationship alive and flourishing. Hopefully that helps, good luck!

  3. The key for us in content-communication. We have each written down a list of things we really appreciate. Mine has things like, "Give me specific compliments on how hard I try to be a good wife and mom" and "Tell me you have ten minutes that you'd like to help out with whatever I need". My husband's has things like "Give me a foot massage" or "Buy me a Slurpee".

    It may not seem as "romantic" to pull ideas from a list, but mind-readers don't exist and it's nice to get love in the way you want.
    Even though my husband has an extremely demanding schedule, we make sure to spend time together at least every other day, even if it's just a few minutes cuddled up in each other's arms. Date nights out are wonderful, but honestly, we only get out about once a month (I'm hoping to change that). We've found it's most beneficial to go out somewhere uplifting, because it seems to elevate our relationship too.

    Anyway, I look forward to read other's comments!
