Monday, March 14, 2011

Secret #2

Okay people...I see that maybe I need to do the first few posts to get things moving. I know life is crazy busy and the last thing on your check list is this blog but I really think it could be a good resource for all of us and frankly some days we all just need someone to talk to about the everyday stuff. So I urge you to just jot some thoughts down next time you have a few moments of peace. It doesn't have to be deep or extraordinary. Simple is great. Its exactly what I am looking for.

Well considering how hectic this day has been and how I planned to go to bed 2 hours ago (yes at 730). I will keep it simple. 

One Item I just could NOT live without that I think every woman who does laundry should stock in their homes is...

Pink Soap. (aka Zote)

I am not even kidding when I say this stuff gets E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G out. Even if I have washed and dried something before I realize it has a stain all I have to do is scrub it with this stuff and amazingly it gets it out. Awesome stuff. Also I posted a recipe for making it into a liquid detergent below if anyone is interested in doing that. I haven't tried it yet but I know of several people that do and use it for every wash. 

Liquid Zote Recipe:
1/3 bar Zote
1/2 C washing soda
1/2 C borax powder
small bucket (2-5 gallon)

Grate the soap and put it in a sauce pan. Add 6 cups of water and heat until soap melts. Add the washing soda and the borax and stir until it dissolves. Remove from heat. Pour 4 cups of hot water into the bucket. Now add your soap mixture and stir. Then add 1 gallon plus 6 cups of water and stir. Let soap sit for about 24 hours and it will gel. Use 1/2 C per load.

Now, the finished soap will not be a solid gel - it will be a thick gel, though.... Also, it is a low sudsing soap, so don't worry if you open the washer lid and don't see suds all over the place....
If you want your soap to have a scent, you can add 1/2 to 1 ounce of essential oil or fragrance oil when you are mixing it up. (There is a difference in the two, but I read up on it and so far, it says that they can be used interchangeably for the purpose of making detergent....)


  1. rad. how do I add a secret or a comment or something? Good idea.

  2. Hey! If u ever want to leave a thought or idea that u want posted just write it either in the comment box (as if u were doing a normal post) or u can email it to me at! Either way I will copy and paste it into a New Post and post it that way!

  3. I'm wondering if you know where I can get this in Calgary? I looked on the website but the 'where to find it' link is under construction. I have a couple of stains on my favorite white sweater thanks to my 10 month old!

  4. Hey Vanessa-

    So unfortunately you can't buy it up there in Calgary but you can get it online at like Amazon and stuff. Which is a pain I know but definitely worth having. Also my mother in law lives in Calgary and is always coming down here to Utah to visit and could absolutely bring some back for you next time she is here if you would rather get it that way. Let me know.
